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Award Winning Salon

“Turn back the clock” and give your skin a more youthful appearance

If you are unhappy with the appearance and texture of your skin, you may be wondering how you can improve it. Looking in the mirror every day and not being happy with the way your skin looks can be extremely frustrating. If you are really looking to improve the look and texture of your skin, you should consider microdermabrasion treatment.

Microdermabrasion can sound intimidating if you do not know what it is, but it is actually a relatively easy and non-invasive treatment. Essentially, the treatment involves removing the outer layer of skin to promote the skin’s natural production of proteins that will improve your skin’s appearance. Microdermabrasion can help you “turn back the clock” and give your skin a more youthful appearance.

Microdermabrasion treatment can help reduce and correct fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, acne scars, dark pigmentation, and spots of aging.

What Microdermabrasion Is

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that is able to improve the appearance of your skin without using any chemicals or other invasive elements. Microdermabrasion is able to give you the results you want with no downtime.

The treatment involves a spray of microcrystals that work to strip the outermost layer of skin cells to uncover the younger and healthier skin. The new layer of skin that is produced after the procedure will contain higher levels of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are natural proteins that your body will produce after the treatment. The production of these proteins is what is going to improve your skin’s health and appearance.

If you have fine lines or wrinkles, age spots, sun damaged skin, uneven pigmentation, clogged pores, poorly textured skin or minor scars, you are an ideal candidate for a microdermabrasion treatment. The reason this treatment can help with all of these problems is that the treatment removes the outer layer of skin, leaving behind a newer, fresher layer of skin that is cleared of blemishes and scarring.

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

The benefits of undergoing this treatment can include elimination of fine facial lines and signs of aging, improved appearance of acne and/or other scars, and a healthy and illuminated glow to your skin. Some benefits can go beyond being just skin deep, as having better skin may give you more confidence.

How Microdermabrasion is Performed

On the day of your treatment, your Therapist will start your microdermabrasion procedure by moving a stream of tiny, micro crystals through a hand-held tool that is placed against your skin. These dermabrasion crystals have a sand-like structure that when sprayed, the powder removes dead cells from the outer layer of skin (exfoliating the skin). This hand-held tool works with a mild suction that will strip the skin of debris and impurities. This is how the outer layer of your skin is removed and a new layer of skin is exposed. Microdermabrasion will cause your skin to heal and produce more collagen and elastin, the proteins necessary for having more radiant and smooth skin.

It is very important to note that the best results are not often seen in just one treatment. To achieve your desired results, you should expect to undergo this treatment more than once.


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Call: 07 3881 3102

3-4 / 326 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500

Award Winning Beauty Salon

Simply Elegant is an Award winning Beauty Salon. The World Luxury Spa Awards has announced Simply Elegant ‘Best Beauty Salon – Globally’. It is the highest accolade and honour the best of the best, created to recognise and commend the most outstanding Beauty Salon for their outstanding efforts. 

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Opening Hours

  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday 9.00am – 5.00pm
  • Wednesday 9.00am – 5.00pm
  • Thursday 9.00am – 7.00pm
  • Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
  • Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm

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CALL: 07 3881 3102

VISIT:  3-4 / 326 Gympie Road,
trathpine  QLD  4500